
Left-handed Has More Interesting Facts

15% of human population in this Mother Earth are left-handed and the rests are right-handed people. But did you know that left-handed people are unique?

#1 Left-handed people are more prone to insomnia, allergies, migraines, and the other things than right-handed people.

#2 Left-handed people are more damaged or impacted by fear than right-handed people.

#3 Left-handed people use right side of their brain (Creativity, visual, constructing, etc.) most and right-handed people use left-side of their brain (Logic, numerical, etc.) most.

#4 Left-handed people have more creativity.

#5 Left-handed people have more extreme intelligence than right-handed people.

#6 Left-handed people tend to have a higher portions of mentally retarded people and they also have a higher tendency to be people with high IQ'S (reach over 140).

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