
The Mystery of The Last Supper

The Last Supper

Professor Colin Humphreys, a scientist at the University of Cambridge believes that doing this research, so far there has been chaos calendar. What he had found, strengthening the proposals to determine the exact date of Easter Day.

Humphreys research uses a combination of scripture, history and astronomy to determine the conditions and time of Jesus' last supper with the twelve disciples, before his death. Researchers previously confused with the Bible that are considered inconsistent. 

The Bible writes, Matthew, Mark and Luke stated the Last Supper took place to coincide with the beginning of the Jewish Passover festival. Meanwhile, John wrote, it happened before the Jewish Passover.

Related to this, Humphreys says that Jesus, Matthew, Mark and Luke may use a different calendar with John. According to him, he followed the old Jewish calendar, not the solar calendar used a lively time of his death until today. 

"Whatever you think about the Bible, in fact, Jews could not be one held a Passover with other entertainment. So when the documents that describe the life of Jesus (Gospel) against each other, then this will be more difficult to understand, "said Humphreys.

Through the book titled The Mystery of The Last Supper, he said many of the scripture which states Gospel totally unreliable for this reason. However, Humphreys feels, the result would be different if science combined with the Gospel. "Even in the end, we can find that there is no contradiction," he said.

If so, then the Jewish Passover and Last Supper equally happened on Wednesday. This explains why so many incidents happened between last Entertaining up to the crucifixion. Jesus through the detention, interrogation and trial, which apparently can not happen overnight.

"A date for determining Easter Day appeared in the modern calendar. Based on the crucifixion that occurred on April 3, then Easter Day will fall every 5 April, "he said.

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